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Landscaping in the Asheville Area

Landscaping in Asheville, NC, and the surrounding areas is second to none amongst cities in the southeast.  Ecolawns Unlimited is excited to be able to provide a variety of landscaping services in this beautiful part of the state.  Please take a look below for a list of landscaping services we provide!  

landscaping in Asheville, NC

Have a house with a yard, but no landscaping?  We'll provide you with a consultation for a landscaping idea based on your vision, and then get out hands dirty making it come to life!

Pruning/ LandscapE Enhancements 

Are your plants overgrowing onto your house, beds, and driveway?  We'll prune each plant according to how they should be maintained.  

Want to add that natural feel to your landscape?  Allow us to choose a mulch that highlights your property and provides nutrients to your soil and plants.  We'll pick up, deliver, and spread it! 

Sod Installations

New home?  Need a lawn fast?  Let us install a new yard for you, using the best sod in the region.  


Landscape Installations &Design

A recent landscape enhancement job performed in Weaverville.  The client was in need of new mulch, and plants pruned for a healthier appearance.  EcoLawns Unlimited dove right in to neaten them up, while allowing the plants to keep that natural look!   

mulching and landscaping in Asheville, NC
mulch in Asheville, NC
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